Loving Travel Blog Post Paints a Loving Portrait of "Vegetable Bingo" At The Hideout
My wife and I celebrated our anniversary, and my birthday, by going to Chicago for three nights. My wife plans these trips and occasionally consults with me. We were packing a lot in. -Nice downtown hotel booked cheaply on an internet travel site. -Dinner at a Pilsen steakhouse restaurant with the kids. -Chilling at a […]
Making A Screenprinted Poster
Here’s a fantastic time-lapse video made by our dear friend Kathleen Judge going over the making her poster for this year’s Block Party / A.V. Fest!
The Hideout 95 years ago!
Thanks to @emilyhilleren for bringing something to the table by posting the following tweet last Wednesday! Which pointed to a wonderful “birds-eye view” map of “Chicago, Central Business District (1916) that was mentioned on @windycitizen … Zooming in on that map shows The Hideout 95 years ago! Check it out, looking much as it does […]
Hideout owners do the Interview Show
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=363DO5Jm_yI[/youtube] Before this week’s current round of press craziness, Mark Bazer invited the owners of the Hideout up onto the stage they built and quizzed them about the bars early days. Stories were told! Shots were drunk! Read more at Bazer’s WBEZ blog. ALSO: The intrepid Robert Loerzel, intrigued by the flurry of nostalgia, poked […]
Rudy Rudy, to the rescue
Hideout oldsters thrilled to the announcement of the return this weekend of Mr. Rudy Day to the stage. Or, hell, I did at least. For years the Hideout’s unofficial house band, Rudy Day brought their distinctly freaky blend of grinding funk, hot soul, and hard rock to the back room for a multiyear run of […]
15 years at the Hideout, in pictures
You know about the block party, right? Well, the night before we’re taking over some nearby walls to mount Scrap Book, a show of photos shot at the Hideout over the past 15 preposterous years. We’ve hit up some of our professional friends already for their snazzy shots of bands and whatnot. But you do not have […]
Block Party is go!
It’s true: The Hideout Block Party is b-a-c-k. Today’s announcement of the lineup set blogs buzzing all over the interwebs. As well it should have, considering the roster of amazingness being angled into position for a September 24 liftoff. In the words of Tim Tuten: “The Hideout will celebrate its 15th Birthday Party with our friends […]
Hideout Turned 15. Now an "adult."
The Hideout turned 15 on Saturday, so we did what any enterprising 15-year-old would do… threw ourselves a quinceañera party!
Back from SXSW… in 1999 & 2000
Back from SXSW… it’s real work to drag yourself back to your normal life, so after parties held by The Hideout in Austin at SXSW in 1999 and 2000, celebrations of making it through (and back from) SXSW were held at The Hideout, and our good friend Liz Strause took photographs (from a ladder) to […]
Remembering Diane Izzo
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baROjTYHQoc[/youtube] Friends and colleagues are paying tribute to sublimely talented singer-songwriter Diane Izzo all over town today. Izzo, a regular on the meandering loop connecting the long-gone Lunar Cabaret and Lounge Ax and the Hideout, relocated to Albuquerque from Chicago a few years ago. She died of cancer Friday at the age of 43. Our […]