1354 West Wabansia Ave, Chicago, IL 60642 | 773.227.4433

Yonatan Gat's New Single "Cue the Machines" is Turning Heads

Yonatan Gat, a guitarist, producer and over-all music-man, has been turning heads and packing venues for the past few years. Ever since being named ‘New York’s Best Guitarist’ in 2013 by the Village Voice, Gat’s “eccentric, eclectic music blends his technical proficiency with a love for the avant-garde, free form composition, and punk energy” has become a draw for crowds across the country. His most recent release “Cue the Machines” has opened up to outstanding reviews across the musical world. Gat lands at the Hideout May 14th , which is shaping up to be quite the Monday evening show, click here for tickets. 

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