1354 West Wabansia Ave, Chicago, IL 60642 | 773.227.4433

Scotland Yard Gospel Choir Van Accident

sunset from h/o porch 10/30/09 by Lawrence Peters
sunset from h/o porch 10/30/09 by Lawrence Peters

As you may know, the members of Scotland Yard Gospel Choir were in a terrible accident recently. Their van flipped and they were all injured. Thanks to everyone who has helped out at benefit shows and online. The band members still need help with medical bills, instrument replacement and they very much appreciate whatever way you can find to help. A paypal account has been set up just for this. Please do give what you can!
Jim DeRogatis’ Sun-Times Scotland Yard Gospel Choir: On the mend
Check out Greg Kot’s Tribune Scotland Yard Gospel Choir ‘alive again’ after devastating van crash for a nice update on recovery progress being made by members of SYGC
Get the latest updates on the band members’ conditions, leave your best wishes, and please donate! at The Bloodshot Records SYGC in Van Accident page
Hideout Dark Patio by GABURU
Hideout Dark Patio by GABURU
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