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Sarah Squirm is re-defining what Comedy is, what it can be and what it looks like

Zach Freeman, a free-lance writer for the Tribune, stopped by the Empty Bottle earlier this week to take in a comedy set from Sarah Squirm, the comedic architect of HELLTRAP NIGHTMARE, and a blossoming band of comedic misfits that having been re-working the essence of what comedy can look like, sound like and feel like. The content, much like the costumes of its author, can be squirmy and unorthodox (if comedy can ever actually be unorthodox, given its inherent nature of constantly evolving). But, as weird as it may seem, we laugh; it twists itself into a realm of our brains and lives that we’ve been taught to keep secret, the gross, the uncomfortable and “inappropriate.” HELLTRAP has been selling out at the Hideout of months now, and the show is about to tour the East Coast, but it’s refreshing and important to remind ourselves that boundaries, even in comedy, are meant to be pushed. Take a read of Freeman’s night at the Empty Bottle here

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