December 3rd – 6th
The Hideout, known for its down-home friendliness and charitable nature, is hosting the 19th annual Hideout Last Chance Holiday Sale.
Come out for what might be your last chance to shop before Christmas! Tons of great vendors this year – some familiar faces, some new!
The sale features local hand-makers, many of whom work at or have worked at the Hideout. This last-minute holiday event will help shoppers wrap up (or start!) their holiday shopping and will offer edibles, hand-knit, books, artwork, jewelry, home goods, wearables and more, in all price ranges.
Rock Candy by Helen
Nomadic Ant
Miss Alison
Yarnies by Mike
Gift ’em!
Kiku Handmade
Belt Publishing
Rhymes with Twee
Videnovich Farms
Wood Goods
Bloodshot Records
Join ‘Em Online!
on Hideout’s Instagram
Want to get to know the shops? See what they got? We’re doing our own Hideout Home Shopping Network for our makers this year!
Sat. 12/5 @ 12pm
Kiku Handmade
Belt Publishing
Rhymes with Twee
Sun 12/6 @ 12pm
Rock Candy by Helen
Nomadic Ant