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Is This Year's Hideout Block Party the Last Hurrah

Chicago Magazine sat down with Tim Tuten to discuss the history of the bar, this year’s upcoming block party and the potential effects the city’s rezoning of the industrial corridor might have on the bar. The Hideout’s been here for the past hundred years and we’re grounded in our belief that it’ll be right where it stands for a hundred more; take a read to get an inside scoop on this year’s block party.


“We were here in the 19th century, in the 20th century, and we’re still here in the 21st century. We plan on being at this location another 100 years…We also have a strong sense of community. That’s never going to change regardless of how or where we have the party. The world around us can change, but the things that make this place—the inner sense of community—will always stay strong. You see it at the block party, and if you drop by on any given night, you can see it and feel it.”–Hideout President Tim Tuten

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