It’s not easy to characterize the wide variety of Hideout patrons under a single demographical label. But when Chicago Magazine released their list of “Chicago’s 50 Best Bars” they kept it short and sweet, and hit the nail right on the head: the Hideout’s constituency, as eclectic as they may be, can most accurately be depicted as an army of “Vinyl Collectors and the lovably frumpy.”
We’re honored to share the stage with so many other amazing Chicago bars and incredibly proud to be the only bar on the list to also adopt the “legendary music venue,” title. We’re not flashy, and we’re certainly not fancy, but what we have done, what we’ve always done, is cultivate a culture at the Hideout that is rooted in a commitment to good people and great music. Big ups to our friends at Delilah’s, Hopleaf and Skylark for also making the cut.