1354 West Wabansia Ave, Chicago, IL 60642 | 773.227.4433

Tim Tuten on WGN Radio

WGN Radio host Dave Hoesktra sat down with Hideout President, Tim Tuten, to discuss the return of the Hideout’s 21st Annual Block Party, which hits Wabansia September 23rd & 24th. The two also talked about Tuten’s early years in Chicago, and at the Hideout, the bar’s aesthetic inspiration, as well as the 60th birthdays of some […]

Hideout Block Party Receives Mention Amongst Riot Fest & Jay-Z

Fall in Chicago means a few things: school’s back in session, beaches are closed, playoff baseball is looming in the distance and an onslaught of concerts, tours and album releases are about to descend upon this city. The Chicago Tribune has done their very best to highlight the very best of what is yet to […]

World Music Festival Hits the Hideout

We always like to think we consistently sport an eclectic set of programming, but over the course of the next few weeks we’ll expand that ideal further as we play host to a pair of World Music Festival shows. Over the course of the next two weeks Chicago becomes home to over 40 bands from 20 different […]

Lonely Planet Loves the Hideout

Lonely Planet, the go-to travel guide for vacations, tourism and entertainment far and wide, sat down to construct a list of the best music venues Chicago has to offer. There were the usual suspects: The Empty Bottle, The Green Mill, House of Blues. But among Chicago’s musical monoliths sat the Hideout. Recognized for our diverse […]

Is This Year's Hideout Block Party the Last Hurrah

Chicago Magazine sat down with Tim Tuten to discuss the history of the bar, this year’s upcoming block party and the potential effects the city’s rezoning of the industrial corridor might have on the bar. The Hideout’s been here for the past hundred years and we’re grounded in our belief that it’ll be right where it stands […]

Music 45 'Who Keeps Chicago in Tune': The Hideout

Every year New City Music (Music 45), an online publication reviewing, detailing and profiling all things music, puts out a list of Chicagoans dedicated to providing and sustaining outlets and platforms for the city’s ever-changing and evolving musical community.  We made this year’s list (#18) for our musical diversity and our other multi-faceted programming and patronage. “Still best known […]

Hideout Block Party Poster

The poster for this year’s Block Party has been released! We wanted to give a special shoutout to our dear friend Kathleen Judge who designed the poster–you can check out more of her work at her website. Hope to see y’all at the Block Party!

The Hideout Block Party's Triumphant Return!

I guess you could say we it’s been a few years since we’ve hosted a block party akin to those summoned thousands to Chicago’s tucked away industrial corridor. After last year’s block party, our 20th anniversary celebration, took the anomalous 1-day approach we are back to a jam-packed, weekend long block party this coming September. […]

Hideout listed as a healthy alternative Lollapalooza weekend

Every year in the build-up to the craziness that is Lollapalooza weekend, Timeout Magazine   puts together a list of alternate activities, musical and non, for anyone looking to avoid the hoards of drunken suburban ex-pats (that’s not meant to be mean, that’s just Lolla as we now know it). Along with various movie-theaters, live-streaming Lolla from […]

Hideout + Other Chicago Venues Champion Openness, Expression & Inclusivity

The Hideout has never aimed to homogenize our patronage. So when the Tribune included us in an article last month depicting the various havens, spaces and homes in an exploration of Chicago’s nightlife and entertainment industry’s relationship with the LGBTQIA community, we were honored. From our programming to our staff to the people that walk through our […]

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