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Big Shoulders Ball press… The Hideout in DC

Ken Vandermark at the Black Cat in DC by Joe Germuska
Ken Vandermark at the Black Cat in DC by Joe Germuska

Joe Germuska’s Obama Inauguration Trip set (45 photos, 2 videos) on flickr
Jeffrey Anderson’s Baltimore Citypaper The Chicago Takeover – Riding Into Inauguration Day On Big Shoulders says “This is the Big Shoulders Ball, and if you don’t get that, then you obviously aren’t from the Midwest.”
Mehan Jayasuriya’s PopMatters The Big Shoulders Ball: Celebrating the Inauguration, Chicago Style calls it “a fitting fete for a President known for his commitment to collaboration, deep respect for his peers and love of all things Chicago.”
Monica Kendrick’s Reader Crickets My trip to the inauguration says “OK, so the trip was a pain in the ass in spots, but it was also a complete triumph – there was no logistical hassle that wasn’t worth it to be there. … I’ve never been so proud to play a small part in the Chicago music scene.”
Melena Ryzik’s New York Times The Caucus The Party Ends When the Police Arrive (another party!) says “The Black Cat, the stalwart rock club, looked about as patriotic – and as formal – as it possibly could. The neighborhood around it was lively: the bars on U Street had lines out the door, and for a while there was a massive drum circle on the corner of 14th and U. Inside, the club was festooned with flags; a large, Shepard Fairey-style poster of Barack Obama hung near the stage. About half of the crowd wore suits or gowns, mostly vintage. The occasion was the Big Shoulders Ball, a sold-out show celebrating mostly Chicago musicians.”
Mark Jenkins’ Live Last Night: Big Shoulders Ball says “The music brimmed with good spirits. From the Wacos’s ‘I Fought the Law’ to Langford and Eleventh Dream Day’s ‘Hard to Be Human Again,’ the old protest songs celebrated defeat triumphantly.”
Dave Hoekstra’s Sun-Times Obama isn’t city’s only export to Washington BIG SHOULDERS BALL Concert brings Chicago’s music, fans – even our beer – to D.C.
Jason Cherkis’ Washington City Paper Black Plastic Bag Big Shoulders Ball: More Pictures says “What made the night so unique–compared to the other balls–was that it was a) actually fun; b) it felt homemade; 3) you didn’t have to wear a tux – dress was “thrift store formal”; 4) speakers actually mentioned things like health care and unions.”
Jason Cherkis’ Washington City Paper Black Plastic Bag Big Shoulders Ball Photos says “Tons of fun and without all the pomp and cheese cubes.”
Jason Cherkis’ Washington City Paper Black Plastic Bag Watch: Andrew Bird and Ted Leo @ Big Shoulder’s Ball

Gapers Block’s Liveblogging the Big Shoulders Ball
Chris Wood’s South Wales Argent The Newport man who played for Obama
Tankboy’s chicagoist Dispatch from D.C.: The Big Shoulders Ball with photos by Lizz Kannenberg says “At first we wondered how a bus-full of rowdy Hideout regulars – musicians, employees, and employees – would be greeted by a city like D.C. We pictured streams of lobbyists and grumpy Republicans growling with disdain at a ragtag group dressed up in their finest duds of proms long past.”
Stephen M. Deusner’s Pitchfork Live Review: Lincoln Memorial Concert and Big Shoulders Ball with photos by Francis Chung
Graham Hough-Cornwell’s dcist The Big Shoulders Ball @ The Black Cat says “Windy City pride was on full display pretty much everywhere this weekend, but it was perhaps no more rampant than at the Big Shoulders Ball … a striking variety of blues, all-over-the-map indie, and a tribute to the free jazz of Sun Ra … not to mention the impassioned and possibly over-served emceeing from Hideout owner Tim Tuten, who had nearly lost his voice as the show neared its conclusion. There was a lot to admire in a great night of bands for a great cause … everything you’d expect when D.C. and Chicago’s best little rock clubs get together to ring in an exciting new era in Washington.
The Future of Music Coalition Blog’s Review and Pics of Big Shoulders Ball
View the Big Shoulders Ball program (137k .pdf)
Jason George’s Tribune Performances for Barack Obama inaugural a multicultural affair includes the Big Shoulders Ball, Andrew Bird and Tim Tuten saying… “This city is ‘The City that Works.’ It sounds corny, but what we do in the Midwest is we build barns, and Obama’s whole campaign was about little people like us going out and working for his candidacy,” said Tim Tuten, co-owner of The Hideout nightclub, who is organizing the sold-out Monday event featuring Chicago-based artists at the Black Cat, a Washington club. “That’s the same spirit we have in our shows here, of working with what you have and pulling together, and that’s what we’re going to bring to D.C.”

Big Shoulders Ball Departure by Jerome Hughes
Big Shoulders Ball Departure by Jerome Hughes

Jerome “The Hideout Webmaster” Hughes’ bigShouldersInauguration set (75 photos) on flickr
Noreen Russo’s Obama Inaug set (181 photos) on flickr
Rock On The Streets’ Ted Leo and Andrew Bird Play Obama Inauguration Show
Anne Hodgson’s The Island Weekly Andrew Bird: The Master Swarm
Eric Pilch’s Georgetown Voice Concert Calendar: Inauguration weekend and beyond
Chris Klimek’s dcist.com Music Agenda Extra: Rock Around Barack
dc.metromix.com The Big Shoulders Inauguration Ball
Janice Chou’s stylecaster.com Andrew Bird to Play Pre-Inauguration Party in DC. Seriously.
Meghan Streit’s Crain’s Chicago Business Goose Island goes to DC
Wall Street Journal The Adviser: Datebook | Jan. 16-23
Jimmy Orr’s Christian Science Monitor Stars, famous and not-so-famous, descend on DC for huge inaugural parties
Mark Silva’s Tribune The Swamp Sweet Home Chicago II: Honeyboy’s ball
Larry Fitzmaurice’s Spin SPIN.com’s Guide to Presidential Inauguration Concerts
Chicago Public Radio Eight Forty-Eight Chicago Bands Head to the Inauguration
Mark Guarino’s Christian Science Monitor Honeyboy’s not-so-blue gig: Inauguration party
Dave Hoekstra’s Sun-Times All aboard! Thousands making trip — some even going on Britney’s bus
Tom Breihan’s Pitchfork Jay-Z, Bruce, Beasties, Bono Join Inauguration Party
Michael Barclay’s Guelph Mercury review of Mavis Staples Live: Hope at the Hideout concludes with “We weren’t lucky enough to be there; this one is for the history books.”
Michelle Meywes’s Gapers Block : Transmission Ted Leo Goes To Washington
Ryan Dombal’s Pitchfork Ted Leo, Andrew Bird Play Obama Inauguration Bash
Joe Pompeo’s New York Observer Change Hipsters Can Believe In – Obama Gets Indie Rock Bash In Washington
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