Thanks to Thad Rueter for this creative letter to TimeOut Chicago! He defends our honor while humorously pointing out what a real dive bar is really like. Perhaps his fine distinctions will help those few fine patrons of ours (we really do love you all) who may believe they’re “slumming” when they come to visit us! We’re not called a “dive bar” in the article linked above, and we haven’t found a TimeOut Chicago article which tarred The Hideout with the “dive bar” term. Thanks very much to TimeOut Chicago for the way they describe us here, in their 40+ outdoor spots to get your drink on and enjoy the weather outside “The fact that a bar this incredibly difficult to get to via the CTA is packed almost every night with those who actually take the CTA is a testament to the Hideout’s devoted following. A lone house sidled by warehouses and railroad tracks, this is as juke joint as Chicago gets. We love the cheap beer, live local country-rock and DJs dropping nostalgia from Prince to Devo.” |