1354 West Wabansia Ave, Chicago, IL 60642 | 773.227.4433

Lonely Planet Loves the Hideout

Lonely Planet, the go-to travel guide for vacations, tourism and entertainment far and wide, sat down to construct a list of the best music venues Chicago has to offer. There were the usual suspects: The Empty Bottle, The Green Mill, House of Blues. But among Chicago’s musical monoliths sat the Hideout. Recognized for our diverse programming and even more eclectic patronage, the Hideout, time and again, is acknowledged for its importance within Chicago’s musical community.
“You’d be hard pressed to find anywhere in Chicago that is more fun than The Hideout… At this laid back and friendly joint, you can chat up locals at the front bar before making your way to the Christmas-light adorned back room where the stage is set for all manner of acts from bands and comics to poetry and Shakespeare. You never quite know what you’re going to see, but you can be pretty damn sure you’re going to enjoy it.”

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