“The Interview Show” is a long-running live talk show and former WTTW program hosted by Mark Bazer.
This month’s guests:
ROBERT SEAN LEONARD: Three-Time Tony-Nominated Actor, “Dead Poets Society,” “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit” and Upcoming Goodman Theatre Revival of Harold Pinter’s “Betrayal” (https://www.goodmantheatre.org/show/betrayal/)
SIMA CUNNINGHAM: Musician, Member of Finom, New Solo Album “High Roller” (https://www.simacunningham.com/)
GERALDO CADAVA: Historian at Northwestern University, Author of “The Hispanic Republican: The Shaping of an American Political Identity, from Nixon to Trump” (https://history.northwestern.edu/people/faculty/core-faculty/geraldo-l-cadava.html)
STEVE DARNALL: Host of WDCB’s “Those Were the Days,” Publisher of “Nostalgia Digest” and Writer of the Graphic Novel “Uncle Sam” (https://www.nostalgiadigest.com/steve%20darnall.htm)