1354 West Wabansia Ave, Chicago, IL 60642 | 773.227.4433

Dark Does Matter / I got a Friday double header for youz…

Friday, how’s about a double header of the arty variety. On the menu, things that glow in the dark, and sounds that crawl around in the dark.
First; Dark Matters at Peanut Gallery.
Second; Paper Mice with Capillary Action and Lord of the Yum Yum at the street-construction-apocalypse-the-HIDEOUT!
Ok, so the night starts with a gallery opening where you can see artwork that glows. “A show of glowing proportions” they say. Here’s what I say: Andrea Jablonski has some work in the show, and she is an excellent bartender at you-know-where, and she is an even better artist. Remember that massive Obama banner we had on the front the bar for awhile? Yep. That’s her. Also in the show is an artist I follow quite close, Edra Soto, and then they got Tasso too (anyone who remembers the Blue Note AND 3am in the mid double oughts will know Tasso). That’ll be fun.
THEN, after working out the visual limits of your own bad self, why not focus on the aural and cognitive benefits of Paper Mice, Capillary Action, and Lord of the Yum Yum. Says Pitchfork of Capillary Action in their 7.1 from 2 days past:

We used to call what he does math rock, but that’s not quite adequate to cover all the weird jazz elements the latest lineup of the band brings in, or the way he and the band tease listeners with bits of surprisingly poppy melody before yanking out the rug.

Look at that. The only thing that would make it all any better would be beer. Know who’ll sell you some of that? Yep, we will.
A vid of Capillary Action from a few clicks back:

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